Indian Center in Netherlands (ICN) is the Support center for Indians. This to Help Indian’s who are reliving or moving to Netherlands and need help for understanding the Rules, Regulation, Formalities, City Info, Indian and Nertherlands Guide in the Netherlands.
Also to Promote India Culture and values providing social cultural, recreational and community programs, Thereby uniting the Indian community, and raising awareness about Indian Culture in the local community.This service is established by AspiringZone & ProvisionHop to help Indian’s who are Living or Moving to Netherlands.
Using a support development approach, the ICN supports new arrivals to contribute effectively to Netherlands’s society, culture, economy and environment.
Aspiring zone perceived that such an organization would be ideal to provide services to all people from Indian origin. By looking at the challenges which all Indian’s has Expats face during settling down in Netherlands.
The ICN group was established on June 2018.