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Vestibulum sit amet nisi eleifend, laoreet erat in, ornare neque. Donec eu est in quam luctus sagittis. Nulla facilisi. Proin faucibus nec nulla vitae ullamcorper.
Sed ornare nunc ac elit pretium, nec blandit sem cursus. Maecenas in nibh id dolor molestie tempus. Nam et urna lorem. Donec eu est in quam luctus sagittis.

Professional services

Reliable support

Solid contract
Level 1 – Sep to Nov
- Alphabets
- Varnamala
- Numbers (1 to 50)
- Consonant Clusters
- Imperative Mood
Level 2 Jan to Mar
- Pronoun
- Noun
- Verbless Sentences
- The Present Tense
- The Past Tense
- The Future Tense
Level 3 Apr to Jun
- Adjectives and Adverbs
- The Written and Spoken Styles
- Opposite Words
- Match the following
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